Thursday, October 25, 2012

Seafood, Drink Beer FUNDRAISER/EVENT at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre

‘Seafood, Drink Beer’ FUNDRAISER/EVENT at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre, Friday November 2nd 7-10pm

Eating locally and responsibly…so hot right now.

SIDNEY, BC – Many people don’t know that beer and seafood go together like, well, beer and seafood. It’s a great pairing! This event will highlight the culinary extravaganza that takes place when talented chefs use sustainable seafood and local craft beer to create a taste sensation! Cost is all inclusive: $40 per person (info for ticket sales, etc. at bottom of page).

The concept of the event was developed by a group of nine gung-ho Camosun students who are working toward earning their degree in Hospitality Management. Their assignment is to put on an event that would showcase their talents in hospitality management while simultaneously raising money for a charitable organization of their choice…that’s where the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre comes in.

The students requested that our facility house this catchy-titled event (“Seafood, Drink beer”), and promised to donate all proceeds back to the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre. Their plan to pair sustainable seafood with local craft beer is topical and a great fit for our organization, so we of course said ‘yes’! We have since been extremely impressed with their hard work and professionalism in putting this fantastic night together.

To pull off an evening of amazing culinary delight…and beer drinking (don’t forget the beer drinking!), the Camosun students knew they needed to find a local chefs with credibility and expertise. Enter Island Chef Collaborative president and owner of Passion Eat Foods, Chef Dwane MacIsaac who will be headlining the event. Chef Dwane has prepared a menu of seafood delicacies that will accent the taste and craftsmanship of a variety of ales that will be provided by local favorite Driftwood Brewery. Event-goers will be encouraged to taste each beer with a corresponding nutriment that complements each carefully selected ingredient, and will also get to learn about what sustainable seafood means and why it is SO important.

All in all, this night promises to be a fantastic collaboration proving that enthusiastic college students can help a not-for-profit organization raise money for a great cause by putting on a fun and creative event for the community involving many generous local partners. If only we had a pen full of puppies, this night would be perfect! Baby wolf eels will have to do.

Other activities during the evening: live recipe demonstrations, a raffle drawing with various prizes, live presentation from Driftwood Brewery, and much more! Tickets will be sold online: or in person at the Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre. More information can also be found on our website: Logo for event attached.

Please contact Christina Smethurst for further information: through email seven days a week or by phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm 250-665-7511 or sat/sun 250-744-4852.

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