Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28 - Fall on Vancouver Island

15C today, warm and wonderful. Fall is an amazing time on Vancouver Island. The leaves on the trees have barely begun to fall, even after a couple of good winds. We had an amazing streak of weather this year with constant sun through July, August, September and a bit of October. The rain did arrive, but when it rains here, it warms up, otherwise it would be snow. We have no snow, except at very high altitudes, which is not visible from any where here on the south end of Vancouver Island. It got pretty nice today. We have had a lot of rain for the past couple of weeks, but beauty still abounds. The following pictorial shows you just what is like this time of the year on Vancouver Island. Enjoy the pics but better yet come for a visit.  For more pictures of our lovely island in the Fall, go to our Facebook Site

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