Friday, April 12, 2013

Help my Granddaughter, Please

This beautiful young lady is my Granddaughter Madison.  She is 10 years old and suffers from Chron's disease.  Did you know that 1 in 150 people have this debilitating disease?  She is the poster child for the local branch and very involved in trying to help find a cure.  We have watched her give speeches to different groups to inform them about this awful disease.  I am writing this post to share my experience.  You can help contribute to this cause by donating to the Gutsy Walk and support my "Gutsy Girl" Madison.  Click Here to go to her page...

Help Madison and other children and adults find a cure for this little known about disease. 

CCFC-funded IBD research has confirmed what we have suspected for years – Canada has one of the highest rates for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in the world and those rates are increasing. In fact, one in 150 Canadians is living with IBD. The Gutsy Walk is a great way to spread awareness of IBD and raise much-needed funds to support essential research.

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