Thursday, February 23, 2012

UVic Basketball Playoffs start Friday night at 7:00 pm

Over the 30 years that I have lived in Victoria, there has been one constant....sports provided by UVic athletes is top notch. We attended the final game of the year and it was a barn burner...Uvic came from behind to win in an exciting finish that left their opponents with only fouling to try and get the ball back. Tied very late in the game, the stars took control with three pointers and never looked back. It was the best entertainment deal in town. My 9 year old granddaughter just started playing basketball and she was thrilled with the game. The are starting playoffs this weekend with games Friday night, Saturday and Sunday if needed against Calgary. No problem, the C in Calgary means "Choke". Easy to say for an ex Edmontonian! For more photos go to our Facebook page.

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