Friday, April 29, 2011

Cordova Bay Golf Course Victoria BC

Cordove Bay is one of the better golf courses in greater Victoria. I used to be a very good golfer when I was young and appreciated golf courses that challenged me. Now I feel like those championship course just beat me up. I am a recreational golfer and like a course that doesn't beat me up. I leave that to my sister..."down the middle" Sandy. Cordova Bay is such a course. The holes are not to long, well laid out and very well groomed. The rough, sand traps and water....add some challenge, but not too much. This is a great course. Give it a try. They have great food in their restaurant, the staff are accommodating and friendly and the course is ready. It is not a private course. Call in or book online.
For more pictures check out our
facebook page. For info and links to Victoria and Vancouver Island Golf Courses, click here.

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