Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gallery of Drifters - Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre

With the rain we've been getting in Victoria, lately, it's great to know we have a lot of rainy day options when planning a weekend itinerary!  Sidney BC is just a 20 minute drive away, and the Ocean Discovery Centre is a bright, colourful way to spend an otherwise grey day.

I could spend hours in the "Gallery of Drifters", where local species of plankton, algae, and jellyfish are on display. The golden Sea Nettle jellyfish are breathtaking against their electric blue backdrop:

And the Moonjellies make me wonder whether I'm looking into the water or the sky!

Knowledgeable Oceaneers stand by, waiting to answer all our questions about these wild and wonderful creatures (and many more).  This is just a sample of what you'll see when you arrive at the Ocean Discovery Centre in beautiful Sidney by the Sea.  We love this place so much, we've written about it more than once.  

Happy New Year!  Be sure to visit our website for more info on Victoria and Vancouver Island.

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