Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winter Storm Hits Victoria

Lask week the temperature dropped to -0.5 C. and we had a rare snowfall in Victoria. It lasted two days and then last weekend the "Pineapple Express" rolled in off the Pacific and the temperature went up to 15C which was unseasonally warm. It brought in a tremendous amount of rain. Approximately 3.5" fell in a 24 hour period. We were lucky as there was minimal flooding. Others on Vancouver Island were not so lucky. Snow at the higher elevations was intense. Many rivers on the Island flooded. Now the sun is shining and the temperature is cooler. Such is winter on Vancouver Island. It beats what the rest of Canada is getting. The prairies have temperatures between -15-30C. Now that is ugly. The photo shows the winds along the Dallas Road Waterfront.

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